10:00 AM - 10:40 AM

Innovations Addressing Significant Labour Challenges

Unemployment and other labour challenges remain to be a huge problem. More specifically, these are technical and manual labour along with administrative-related work. The session will discuss these challenges deeper and provide innovations which have successfully worked for other companies. Social and economic interventions which gave way to implementation of innovations will also be discussed. These geographical and occupational challenges may be addressed through improvising the common workforce which results to better investment in skills, improving working conditions and overall providing better productivity.

5 key learning points:

1.    Inflationary pressures affecting the market and the general problem at hand
2.    On-the-tools labour challenges
3.    Office-based labour challenges
4.    Case studies of innovations from successful companies vis-a-vis these challenges (trying out the trends) 
5.    Outsourcing Labor AKA Remote Workers or VA (Virtual Assistants)

11:00 AM - 11:40 AM

Fire Safety in Buildings - Cavities

This seminar provides an overview of the importance of detailing with a fire safe membrane within a building cavity; providing guidance on approved document B in England & Wales, Scottish Building Standards, BS EN13501 classification, BS999-1 and highlighting the importance as part of the building construction. News reports have focused on cladding remediation. However, the cavity and the structure are equally, if not more important in terms of fire and non-combustible material. Crucially however, both tend to be overlooked by regulations and specifiers.

5 key learning points:
1. Understanding Fire & Testing
2. BS EN13501-1(2018) Fire classification of construction products and building elements
3. Fires in Building Cavities – Case Studies
4. Current Standards
5. Building Membranes & Reflective Technology

12:00 PM - 12:40 PM

Green Roofs – Biodiversity Net Gain and new innovative approaches to biosolar roofs

An annual update on where the green roofs are in the UK, with a focus on Dusty’s work on mapping urban green infrastructure and assessing Biodiversity Net Gain along with innovative approaches to carbon neutral green roofs and the delivery of biosolar roofs.

5 key learning points:

1. New policies on the horizon and what the industry needs to do
2. The biodiversity net gain approach that will be on the radar
3. Approaches to using IOT to monitor and ensure good installation
4. Biosolar roofs what they are and why
5. New approaches from Europe in delivering biosolar roofs

1:00 PM - 1:40 PM

Is Off Site Construction the Answer to the Housing Crisis

The government target for new homes is 300,000 per year, currently only about 200,000 at best are actually being built, so each year the target will get bigger. There are numerous reasons for this failure; lack of sites, slow planning process, an ageing workforce, lack of materials, lack of labour, complex contractual relationships and changing construction standards.
Put very simply if the target is to be achieved something has to change.

5 key learning points:

1. Definition of the problem.
2. Reasons for the failure to deliver.
3. Ways to improve productivity.
4. Quality - MMC is just as good if not better than traditional.
5. There is a silver bullet to solve the problem.

2:00 PM - 2:40 PM

The Building Safety Act and what it means for the Envelope Sector

The Building Safety Act received Royal Assent in April 2022 and is being heralded as the most important and significant change to health and safety legislation relating to the construction industry in the past 40 years.  The Act will markedly alter how we approach the specification, design and construction of buildings, and how we measure both organisational and individual competence in those working in the Construction Industry.

5 key learning points:

1. Who the Duty Holders will be
2. How the Golden Thread and its gateways will be applied to the construction of new projects
3. How the rules will apply to Higher Risk Buildings
4. What needs to be done to prove competence 
5. When the sections of the Act will begin to take effect

3:00 PM - 3:40 PM

Addressing Britain’s Energy Crisis

The Government’s new Energy Security Strategy sets to accelerate sustainable energy and tackle the significant rises in fuel and energy prices. But what it doesn’t address is improving the UK’s 29 million inefficient homes. 

The UK has the oldest housing stock in Europe and the least energy efficient. A recent study by EDF analysed 21 million homes across England and Wales and found that 58% had an insulation age or value pre-1976. Carbon is leaking out of our homes, it’s costing homeowners a fortune, and no-one is doing anything to sort out the leak! Our country urgently needs an effective energy efficiency scheme, developed as a national infrastructure project for the benefit of all parties involved.

List 5 key learning points:

1. Changes to Approved Document L is great news for new homes but it’s only one part of the solution.
2. Improving the energy efficiency of the UK’s existing housing stock is equally, if not more, important.
3. We are facing an energy crisis and insulating homes is the most effective way to save energy and cut household bills.
4. The Government has ambitious targets for Net Zero by 2050. But targets will not be met unless improved energy efficiency is prioritised across ALL housing stock.
5. An effective energy efficiency scheme is long overdue and needs to be made a national infrastructure project.

10:00 AM - 10:40 AM

Panel Discussion: Future of fire safety in cladding and facades

Peter Johnson, Founder & Non-Executive Chairman, Vivalda Group

11:00 AM - 11:40 AM

Supporting the Golden Thread through Product Traceability

Do you know what products are in your building as well as how to find and access accurate information about them? This session explores the issue of product traceability and how the use of Digital Object Identifiers can provide an unambiguous link between a product and its information.  In addition, this session will introduce BSI identify, highlight the benefits, and how it may support the Golden Thread, CCPI, and the challenge of product traceability.

5 key learning points:

1. Understanding of the key issues faced in regards to product information traceability
2. The importance of the ensuring specification isn’t deviated and that the correct product is installed
3. How Digital Object Identifiers can assist with building safety
4. Introduction to BSI Identify
5. Demonstrating how BSI Identify can ensure access to related product information

12:00 PM - 12:40 PM

UKCA transition: What you need to know to be ready for the January deadline

If you are a manufacturer or distributor of construction products, and you want to continue to trade within the UK and/or the EU, you need to understand if, or how, the UKCA transition deadline coming into effect in January 2023 may effect you. Jason Harries, New Product Development Lead from the British Board of Agrément, provides an overview on the changes; highlighting key things you need to consider when moving to UKCA marking and the varying forms it may take, and answering your questions around preparing for the January 2023 deadline.   

5 key learning points:

1. Understanding the pre and post UKCA marking landscape
2. Identifying if this applies to your products
3. The two routes to UKCA  marking
4. Product Testing requirements and UKCA transitions
5. Understanding the process for AVCP System 1+, 1, 2+ and AVCP System 3 as well as UKTAs

1:00 PM - 1:40 PM

Drone Applications for Roofing Inspection

Outline of drone types, rules and regulations relating to their use, benefits of using drones for roof inspection, explanation of services which drones can provide, what drones can, and can’t do, case study examples.

5 key learning points:

1. Definition of drones – outline of rules & regulations for their use
2. Services which can be provided by drones
3. Cost benefits of drone inspections versus traditional methods
4. Limitations of drones for inspection
5. Requirements & criteria for planning a drone inspection

2:00 PM - 2:40 PM

What does sustainability mean to you?

Digging into what sustainability means for the industry and more importantly the people who operate in it.

5 key learning points:
1. Sustainability of Mind
2. Financial Sustainability
3. Business Sustainability
4. Environmental Sustainability
5. Wholesale approach to living in a sustainable manner